Delphine Usal is in charge of data editing.
Delphine Usal joined the platform for data digitalization at the Research Center in History of Sciences and Techniques in 2003. When the National Center of the digitalization of visual data (CN2SV) was created in 2005, she became specialized in the technical aspects of image treatment for the web and began participating in the digitalization of Lamarck’s herbarium.
Delphine Usal has contributed to the creation and maintenance of research websites using different CMS (WordPress, Drupal, SPIP) and data management expertise (Usines 3D, Profutur, Plozcorpus, IranCarto) for the CN2SV.
From 2009 until 2015, Delphine Usal was the technical manager for the information service of the Alexandre Koyré Center, as well as the technical manager for CN2SV. She managed the maintenance of databases (Lamarck, Lavoisier, Buffon, Ampère…) for the sites hosted on the digital platform and, in 2015, redesigned the “History of Electricity” part of the site Ampère by adapting it to CMS Omeka.
Delphine Usal has contributed to the Criminocorpus project since it was put online in 2005. She notably managed the consultation interface updates and the graphic design until 2009. Since 2010, she has been in charge of the preparation, uploading, and description of new documents in the digital library.
Fields of Expertise
Graphic Design
Digital publishing
Digital humanities
Contact : Delphine.usal[at]